Dr. Ron Ford

Dr. Ron Ford is a success Life Coach, Motivator, and Mentor with over 45 years in the entertainment industry. Dr. Ron Ford is the Host and creator of the “Ask-Dr-Ron” radio and video talk show. He has worked with Sports and Health Experts, Book Authors, Fashion Designers, Financial Advisors, Community Leaders, Civic Leaders, Entertainment Personalities, and Ministry Leaders to discuss world topic’s, with the purpose of informing listeners, and making people aware of HERO’s in our community.

For the past 10 years Dr. Ron Ford has been bringing guest on his live broadcast to Educate, Motivate, and Entertain listeners all over the world.

Dr. Ron is available for requested event hosting or public speaking engagements.

If you would like to book Dr. Ron for your event or would like to be a guest on an “Ask-Dr-Ron” live broadcast, please contact us by filling out the form below.

Lifetime Achievement award

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to provide quality service through advocacy, to educate, enlighten and inspire human potential through world class resources and unparalleled service.

We empower individuals and groups, Strengthen Communities and Corporations, and create Opportunities, and achieve Success though Faith, and Trust in GOD’s Wisdom, Protection and Presence.

In carrying out our mission we treat all people with compassion and respect.