Here at the ASK-DR-RON web site and talk show we support worthy causes and events.
We are asking you to make a small donation to help us make a difference around the world. No amount is to small, give as your heart leads you to. Just $10.00 a month can help a child in Haiti with food and clothes and $100.00 a month can help find a cure for cancer.
We support many organization that are reaching out for help, if you will take time to donate to this web site we will help as many people as our money can reach.
I once heard of a web site that ask for one dollar a day donations. At the end of a year they gave the money to a needy cause. They are now giving millions to deserving causes throughout the world. So, in the spirit of giving to the worlds less fortunate, “LET US COME TOGETHER ” and give what we can to help us Help others. We can make a difference.
Thank You